Monday 7 October 2013

If had sex with a guy on a first date and then he ask you for lunch as second date, does that he is interested?

I just had a first date with this guy I met through an online dating site. He picked me up we had lunch together, drove me around some scenic places and then we went to a bar later that night. (He paid for everything) He asked me if I wanted to go to his place later that night but said if I didn't want to he would still pick me up the next day to hangout. I decided to stay at his place and we had sex. The following day we grabbed some coffee and lunch then he took me home. We said our goodbyes and kissed. I sent him a text later on saying 'thanks for a great night' and he replied right away saying 'of course anytime. We should do it again' then I said yes I would love that and he replied with ' cool. Let's stay in touch' Later that day in the evening he texted ' Hey what's up. How are you doing' Then he asked me if I'd be interested in getting lunch the next day. Does this mean this guy is genuinely interested in me or just wants me for sex? Btw, he has called me a few times before we met the first time was to get a feel for each other and the second time was to confirm out date and the third was to let me know that he has arrived at my place to pick me up.

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